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I miss her kindness. No matter how busy her life was she always took time to see how others were doing. I miss the way a room light up with love when she simply walked in.

This is one of my fav pictures of D-J. It reminds me how our families met and how D-J always made the best of any situation. We shared many Ringette memories together and the friendship continued after the kids stop playing ringette. My last coffee with D-J was during COVID on a park bench outside Starbucks, just before the next lockdown. I am forever grateful that D-J and the Heard family came into our lives.

A memory of DJ... We have a photo of her entertaining Jamie with bubbles. She was always so good at including him in all the kid's activities. She was the life of the party! Making it fun for everyone!

Kristie and I picked independently, but it's no surprise that both feature DJ having quality time with Jamie. She was an amazing nurturing presence in so many lives. Your kids, our kid, other family kids, random kids in a park 🙂, didn't matter - she wanted to make their lives better whether in a tiny way or a huge one. She succeeded!

A memory of Donna-Jean welcoming her Aunt Ida and enjoying her Mom & Dad.
One of the many Christmases at Ross Ave.
One of the many Christmases at Ross Ave.

A memory of Donna-Jean with her sister-in-laws and mother.
All the girls in the family at the time!
All the girls in the family at the time!
Donna-Jean's father Don and brother Ric.
It was a happy visit at 107 Trailview.
It was a happy visit at 107 Trailview.

It’s difficult to select one particular memory from our times together with Deej. Whether it was a highschool party (which Deej was usually hosting), a couples dinner out, a girls night out, a girls getaway or a trip south, Deej always brought life (and shooters) to the party. She was like the whip cream on hot chocolate, sprinkles on a sundae or maple syrup on pancakes - all delicious, but the toppings make them extra special. That was Deej, the extra special topping to our social events. She always brought interesting stories, excitement and lots of laughter to our get-togethers. The best was when she would do or say something so funny that she couldn’t help but bring herself to tears of laughter. We treasure those times and will miss them forever. We miss her laughter, positivity and sense of adventure.

Deej– she has touched
and continues to touch
my life - daily!
and continues to touch
my life - daily!

Deej is able to get me to open up about myself, even if I don’t want to– despite whatever is going on in her life. She helps me to reflect on what I am doing and how. Not that I necessarily change my bad habits - but at least I think about them :)

When I think of Deej – the love and pride and awe she had for her family is always at the forefront – and she was so good at sharing her family with us.
Even the tough days...

Her ability to have the energy and thoughtfulness to stay in touch with friends - for years – makes each of us feel sooo special!

She joyously, with no expectation of reciprocation, took care of those around her

Deej’s inquisitiveness and ability to find joy and seize the moment is motivating!

Her laugh and quickness to share her infectious laugh has helped me through the last year.

I think of her daily – whether it is from the sunrise or sunset that is awe-inspiring and reminds that it is a new day and how will I use the gift.

As you had so marvelously said and honoured DEEJ … thanks !!!

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