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I remember Donna-Jean coming along on our first vacation to a cottage with Jennifer. Jennifer was just a couple months old and Donna-Jean would have been 16. She loved looking after Jennifer and was a lot of fun to have around.
Everything seemed to come full circle when 19 years later, Jennifer moved into Gord and Donna-Jean's home to help look after their babies. And since Brian and I needed to move away for my work, it was like Donna-Jean was still caring for our baby by providing a home for Jennifer!

I miss DJ’s infectious smile and laughter. I wish I’d spent more time in her circle.
The Whatever Club, the thwarted trip to the theatre in Toronto, coffee downtown – all of these were small things that showed me how beautiful she was inside and out.

I remember going to the cottage at Round Lake for the first time and sharing that experience with Aunt DJ.
She showed us the cottage, she took us canoeing, she helped me go fishing in the river, and she taught us how to feed peanuts to Chip!

A few things I know for sure are that dj made me feel heard and loved unconditionally as well, we shared many laughs and philosophical conversations which I always welcomed.
I appreciated her kindness and her innate ability to be open minded and non-judgmental.
She is a special person..I say is because she is still very much alive in my heart and in my soul ❤

So many memories for me in over 40 years of friendship that’s it’s really hard to pick just one.
One that does stand out for me to show her true giving, selfless nature was when we had all planned to go to Karen Mac’s cottage for New Years but at the last
minute one of your children became sick and your family had to cancel.
One that does stand out for me to show her true giving, selfless nature was when we had all planned to go to Karen Mac’s cottage for New Years but at the last
minute one of your children became sick and your family had to cancel.
DJ had prepared all kinds of food and snacks and she insisted on packing up the cooler and sending it along with us for us to enjoy while she had to stay at home and take care of the family. Always giving of herself, even when she couldn’t join us.
She was truly one in a million.

I’m not one for sappy words. They just don’t cut it for me in times like this.
I like music better for reminiscing so that’s where I’ve been today; listening to songs that make me think of you, one in particular that felt like my very own connection to you over this past year. At the start it would just come on and leave me in its wake. More recently, I find myself playing it to feel close to you; to remember our last hug and I love you.
What was I even thinking putting on mascara today? I imagine your exasperated expression as you try and shake off the tears with me.
In doing this, I realize I really don’t let myself think of you often, it’s been too hard to think of you being gone. But I don’t want to forget either.
Unapologetically you.
The brightest light.
A heart of gold.
I like music better for reminiscing so that’s where I’ve been today; listening to songs that make me think of you, one in particular that felt like my very own connection to you over this past year. At the start it would just come on and leave me in its wake. More recently, I find myself playing it to feel close to you; to remember our last hug and I love you.
What was I even thinking putting on mascara today? I imagine your exasperated expression as you try and shake off the tears with me.
In doing this, I realize I really don’t let myself think of you often, it’s been too hard to think of you being gone. But I don’t want to forget either.
Unapologetically you.
The brightest light.
A heart of gold.

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