D-J loved being by the water,
on the water, or in the water.
on the water, or in the water.
Oceans, lakes, rivers; it always seemed to bring her peace, and she taught me to truly notice it did the same for me.
We went to the cottage in October last year. Even with the scary and uncertain future, I don't think I've seen her more at peace than the moment that was captured in this video.
We also came across four loons together, and sat on the water hypnotized by the magic of their calls.
I hang on tight to these memories, and I have felt her presence the strongest around water.
(...and mountains, I think she loved both equally)
(...and mountains, I think she loved both equally)

As I said at the service, I don't where D-J is, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of the time it looks and sounds something like this.

sound on for video!